Wanted to get something off my chest. These 'Micropayments'. Seems you can't download an app now or find any 'free' game that doesn't have a $10-50 micropayment tied to it. I think it is a ripoff and a slap in the face to traditional gamers. Gone are the days where skill and practice get you by in a game. All you need is a big enough wallet and you can buy your way successfully. That doesn't make you a good gamer.
I guess I am nostalgic to when demos or free games actually had a few levels that you could play and then offered up at the end 'Get the full version for $xx'. Nowadays when I see something wanting me to advance to the next level by purchasing my way there, I delete the game. I don't want to be told 'Oh you would be soo much better in our solid bronze armor for $20, and the envy of all in your gold plated armor, for just $50 now.'
Things like that make me long for the games of old. Where is Commander Keen? Where is Roger Wilco? Where is BJ Blascowitz?
(Grumpy old man speech over, now get off my lawn!)