Reporters sometimes amaze me. Rushing headlong into the storm to report what it's like.

"OMG honey, turn on the tv!! The wind is blowing REALLY HARD!! And LOOK!!! There's a LOT of RAIN!!!!"

Every channel has the same theme. Someone standing outside the hotel with a cameraman (who I bet is wishing they were inside) during the storm and getting tossed about...

Growing up here in the coastal area of the Southeast, we are hit with about two good storms a year. So Here's a tip for reporters.
We get it that it is really windy. We get it that it is raining really hard. We get it that debris is being blown around

I remember what the comedian Ron White had to say about hurricanes..
"Its not THAT the wind is blowing. Its WHAT the wind is blowing. If you get hit with a Volvo, I don't care how many pushups you did that morning, that is gonna leave a mark".

Personally, I feel they need to turn the cameras off, wait for the storm to pass, then lend a hand with the cleanup.

Just tossin' out my 2 pennies.

on Aug 31, 2006
It really is boring!  And I am in the path!  That is why I check Wunderground and NOAA perodically.  We are hoping and praying this is not another Gastone (just a small Tropical Storm that formed about where Ernesto is, but dumped 14 inches of rain here in 7 hours!)/
on Aug 31, 2006
Well, when news reporters don't have anything better to do, they badger you about something. If anyone watches the Daily Show they'll put up a clip from a major news show when they talk about something's called, "Slow News Day". Some examples include the Mel Gibson thing, showing off a new studio, and talking about Screech from Saved by the Bell...

It's really annoying....and kinda pathetic. So many other interesting things to talk about and everytime something "big" happens they hammer it into your brain for weeks....that's why I don't watch the news...not only is it depressing, it drives you crazy after awhile.
